Group opposed to airport expansion fires volley at PitCo

Opponents of plans to transform the Aspen-Pitkin County Airport in a way that would allow larger jets to access it have fired a legal warning shot across the bow of county-sponsored ballot question 1C — a Nov. 5 election vessel they believe commissioners launched to counterattack a citizen-led election question designed to give voters the ultimate say on airport expansion.

Our Airport Our Vote, an offshoot of the group Citizens Against Bigger Planes, issued a news release that seeks to cast doubt on the intent of the county’s ballot question. County officials, in discussing and creating their ballot item that seeks to “reaffirm” their authority over airport matters following the citizens’ push for more voter control, have contended that the two election items do not necessarily conflict with each other. 


Aspen’s great airport debate


Marolt: Which came first, the wagon train or the hotel?