Butler: Let the people decide on moving the ASE runway

We have celebrated Independence Day and the founding of the American experience with democracy. Now is the perfect time to consider our democratic spirit in Pitkin County.

You may know that Citizens Against Bigger Planes is circulating a petition to put a measure on the ballot that would require a vote of the people to move the runway at the Aspen-Pitkin County Airport. This would ensure the community approves any decisions that would result in moving or widening the runway, thus allowing for bigger planes.

Our goal with this petition is to give the community a voice and to ensure the future of this valley is consistent with the will of the people.

This citizen-led initiative effort is a historic first for Pitkin County. For this reason, about a month ago we tried to work with the county commissioners to refer a measure to the November ballot. Despite overtures of wanting to work with us and two executive sessions to discuss the matter, we ultimately did not receive a response or reaction.


Expanding the runway will create a host of issues